Dominique Hart is an International Visual Branding Strategist, Dynamic Speaker, Serial Entrepreneur, CEO and founder of Dynamik Endeavors, and six-figure Real Estate Investor — all by the age of 30. She empowers businesses and organizations to discover their visual identity, resonate with the people that need them, and convey their unique voice through the power of design.

As a first generation American, Dominique appreciates the journey entrepreneurs everywhere must take to cultivate a loyal client base from nothing — she’s been in those shoes herself. Now she’s reaching out, sharing her incredible insight to teach those entrepreneurs the true power of brand design, and how, with the right strategic approach, they can significantly accelerate their business’ profits.

Earning a Bachelor of Arts degree in Advertising from Temple University, with a concentration in Art Direction, an Executive Certification in Brand Management from Cornell University’s SC Johnson College of Business, and a Masters in Professional Studies from the Masters in Branding Program at the School of Visual Arts in New York City, Dominique deeply understands both the creativity, business strategy and science needed to nurture a resilient following through comprehensive visual branding, brand management, and strategy that grows a business built on legacy, profitability, and impact.

While pursuing a higher education in advertising in Tokyo, Japan, Dominique aided western companies in reaching consumers in the Japanese market. Back in America, she helped major advertising campaigns for brands such as Amtrak, the Marriott Hotel, and even the United States Marines reach the audience that needs them.

These collective experiences led her to develop her signature time-tested system, the D.Y.N.A.M.I.K. Method. Fast forward to today, her signature method together with her agency, Dynamik Endeavors, has guided countless international and national businesses and audiences, from speaking at Loreal, to non-profit organizations such as the National Urban League-Young Professionals, the New York Coalition of 100 Black Women, the Eagle Academy Foundation, and more.

As featured on GoDaddy, Fox34, CBS, NBC, the Women’s Speakers Association, among others, Dominique has spoken across the world — sharing her incredible insight into design strategy to not just build something trendy that will “work”, but to push the envelope so people actually stop and take notice. All the while, she guides her clients through any uncertainty every step of the way.

Dominique is an advocate for inspiring entrepreneurs of all ages. She’s traveled the world empowering the next generation of entrepreneurs, and through her keynote speeches and workshops, shows them that the power to do the most “Dynamik” work comes from being “Dynamik” — it comes from within.

Having a consistent visual brand will impact every level of a business. Dominique knows not only how to establish and amplify a brand and vision, but to teach it to manifest in the lives of its audience.

Through the power of brand design, Dominique teaches entrepreneurs to truly embody what their brand stands for — creating the perfect branding experience that not only brings their visions to life, but elevates them in their industry with a comprehensive balance of both design and strategy.

In short, Dominique helps entrepreneurs develop a dynamic visual identity, not only so their audience can see them, but so entrepreneurs can see themselves, and their vision, impact their communities and ultimately…the WORLD.

To learn more information about how Dominique can elevate your business, or to book her to speak at your upcoming conference, workshop, or specialized corporate training, contact her team by clicking “Book Dominique Now!” below, to provide more details for the booking team.

To join her Creative Advertising community for entrepreneurs, where you can receive Creative Advertising tips, tools and updates, visit www.DynamikEndeavors.com and of course stay in touch with her on Instagram @MeetDominique. You can also look at what she’s creatively up to with all of her clients using hashtag #DominiqueCreates or #DynamikEndeavors.

Ready to create your Dynamik Endeavor?