When discussing feedback on your deliverables, be it with your team or your strategist, it’s easy to get lost in whether someone ‘likes’ what’s being produced. But while it’s definitely important to feel pride in your brand, in the end your brand is a component of your business strategy. What if you made every business decision based solely on whether people ‘like’ it? You probably wouldn’t be where you are today.
Constructive feedback is not just about liking or disliking something; it’s a strategic insight into your work’s impact and effectiveness. It’s about understanding what resonates with your audience and what needs to be refined.
So how can you, as a client, ask for and give feedback that is insightful and actionable, rather than a mixed bag of thoughts? Here’s your guide to mastering this art.
Be Specific in Your Requests for Feedback
First, clarify your goals. Before approaching your team or peers for feedback, be clear about what you’re aiming to achieve. Whether it’s setting yourself apart, showcasing your unique skills, or enhancing your marketing efforts, specificity helps in receiving targeted feedback.
Then, ask targeted questions. Instead of a general “What do you think?”, ask focused questions like “How does this brand strategy communicate my core values?” or “Is the messaging on my website aligning with my target audience’s expectations?”
Likewise, when discussing feedback with your strategist, keep these questions clear in your mind so that there’s a consistent base for your both to work from.
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Choose the Right Peers for Feedback
Prioritize expert opinions. Focus on feedback from people with relevant expertise and experience, especially those who understand your audience and their needs. After all, your brand represents you but what you do is ultimately for the people you serve.
Look for individuals who understand your industry/audience but may have different viewpoints. It’s okay if people don’t agree – the goal is to take the feedback to your brand strategist and let them help you bridge the gap between what you want and what you need.
Look for Patterns and Actionable Insight
First seek general feedback, then aim to simplify before approaching your strategist. When deciding which feedback to share with your brand strategist, consider yourself to be a detective looking for clues to make your project better. One key thing is to look for patterns. Say a bunch of people are pointing out the same thing – maybe it’s something about your website’s layout or a particular feature of your product. That’s a big flag waving at you, saying, “Hey, check this out!” It means that area really needs some attention.
Now, remember, not all feedback is created equal. What you’re really looking for are those nuggets of relevant insight – feedback that helps move your project closer to your big goals and vision. It’s like sorting through a treasure chest; you want to keep the gems that add value and align with where you’re headed.
Giving Your Strategist Constructive Feedback
Once you gather feedback from your team and peers, it’s time to bring it back to your strategist for them to take action on. This can be a little intimidating, but the right strategist will always make sure to create a comfortable and safe environment for you to speak your thoughts.
Rather than give specific recommendations for changes, it’s typically better to keep in mind the larger strategy, speak your thoughts openly, and let your brand strategist be the one to translate your feedback into actionable steps. They have the expertise to interpret your desires and needs into revisions that will serve your overall brand experience the best.
Giving Constructive Feedback is a Superpower
When you get the hang of giving helpful feedback in a way that supports your brand strategist in adapting your brand strategy, you’re setting yourself up for big wins, both now and in the future. Think of it as laying down a path for your brand to not only shine today but to leave a lasting mark.
Here at Dynamik Endeavors, we’re all about digging into those strategic insights. We’re not just talking about making things look good – though we love that too – but really hitting the mark with your audience.
Looking for support to transform your vision into a dynamic reality? Let’s collaborate to apply these principles and more, crafting a brand that truly stands out. Your journey towards brand excellence starts here.
Visit www.DynamikEndeavors.com/Start/ to schedule your complimentary consultation.
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